StartCredit for the bank «Michailovskii»
Credit and deposit documents managing system for bank branches was designed and implemented in thi project. It provides flexible products management and additional services, as well as integration with the credit bureaus and external sales partners.
There are more than 2,000 users сonnected to the system and 70,000+ documents are processed per month.
Technologies used: 3-tier architecture software system with the implementation of the web-client on PHP, business logic is implemented in Java application servers with Jetty, Nginx, database Oracle.
Integration Bus for the bank «Michailovskii»
The project provided an opportunity to integrate SAB Bank ABS B2, card back-office IS Card, the credit system StartCredit, Internet banking system from the company Pentegy, the gateway for sending SMS-messages. Following external systems were integrated: card processing company UPC, international money transfer system, a network of information and payment terminals which allow to deposit client accounts. Integration bus allowed the bank «Mihailovkii» to integrate into the information system of the bank the best solutions on the market for all businesses, as well as automate internal processes.
Technologies used:
Business logic integration bus as the middleware is implemented in Java application servers Jetty, Nginx, database Oracle.
Interaction with external systems performed in Java using the protocol https. SMS-gateway was built on protocol SMPP v3.4.
The development of retail bank «Nadra»
The project was implemented by a number of innovative banking products: credit cards, personal loans, deposit unit, new service packages that integrate current, savings and deposit accounts in different currencies, insurance services and services for VIP-clients. The system supports 3000+ users 1,000,000+ transactions on peak days.
Technologies used: 3-tier architecture software system with the implementation of the client application on Delphi, the business logic in the Java (technology of Java Enterprise Edition) application server on IBM WebSphere, database Oracle.
CardSpy for the bank «Nadra»
The system monitors the activity of payment card in real time by comparing the parameters of operations with the behavioral profile of the client. The system gives you the flexibility to customize and modify the behavioral model for more effective fraud detection. Depending on the current settings, during potentially dangerous activity CardSpy informs the operator about the incident, and can block the card automatically, if configured.
Used technologies: client-server architecture, the client Delphi, database Oracle.